Improving Product Quality / Reducing Plant Operational Cost

Oil & Gas

Oil refineries are known to generate large amounts of oily wastewater. The wastewater is known to contain flammable materials, so it is not uncommon to see explosion proof (XP) rating for the treatment equipment. Further, the wastewater can also contain solids, organics, and heavy metals such as copper, cobalt, iron, etc.

Oil & Gas Water & Wastewater Treatment Solutions

Treatment Drivers

Oil-Water Separator

The first stage of the wastewater treatment is an American Petroleum Institute (API) design oil-water separator. API requires a long and shallow rectangular basin at specified detention time. The oil is allowed rise to the top and solids to drop to the bottom. The material that settles to the bottom of the tank are then pumped to a filter press where free water and oil are removed. Polymer is usually added to the settled material to improve filtration. The free oil is skimmed from the oil/water separator and flows over a weir to an oil recovery tank. The recovered oil is then pumped back to the process.

Dissolved Gas Flotation

The wastewater flows from the oil/water separator reports to an equalization tank. Polymer is added to the wastewater as it is pumped to a dissolved gas flotation (DGF) unit. Some of the effluent from the DGF flows through a pressurization skid where a gas is dissolved in the water under pressure. The air saturated liquid is then reintroduced into the DAF unit where microbubbles are precipitated out of solution to contact the waste solid and residual oils. The waste material is floated to the top of the DGF unit where it is skimmed and removed for further dewatering.

Simulation Test Kits