For Easy Polishing
Once the pre-treatment step is accomplished, the next stage in the process is polishing. Polishing is where solids remain in the effluent of the aforementioned unit processes. A polishing step may or may not be necessary depending on the treatment objectives. In the case of polishing, a media filter can be employed with or without chemical treatment. For example, if additional TSS removal is needed, the filter can facilitate additional removal via a specified media porosity. Solids are captured between the void spaces.
The Media Filter Test Kit equipped with two media filter columns along with sand filter media. Each media filter holds 30 inches of filter media. A water pump is included with the test kit. A hard-shell case is portable equipped with rollers for ease of mobility.
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Test Kit
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is used to float lightweight solids having a specific gravity of 1 or less. Dissolved air flotation used to clarify and/or thicken solids by using small bubbles in the range of 20 to 30 micron size bubbles. Bubble are formed by dissolving a gas (usually air) into the liquid under pressure (40 to 100 psi). The bubble lift the light weight solids to the surface where they are removed by skimming.
The DAF test kit comes equipped with a pressurization vessel, air compressor (100 psi), air release valve and other fittings. The 1.2-liter separation vessel is equipped with provisions to release clarified liquid via a stopcock port. A hard-shell case is portable equipped with rollers for ease of mobility.
Thickener Test Kit
Thickening is used to consolidate solids via settling with solids having a specific gravity greater than 1. Conventional gravity thickeners can employ polymer (flocculant) to facilitate agglomeration to make the solids mass heavier for setting. As the solids become consolidated at the bottom of the separation vessel, slow rotating pickets (rakes) create channels for the free liquid to escape allowing the solids to further concentrate. The purpose of a batch settling is to simulate a thickener at bench-scale and accurately predict the required unit area to handle a particular material. From this test work, the correct type and size of thickener can be determined.
The thickener test kit comes equipped with two (2) 2-liter cylinders along with two (2) rake mechanism and one (1) dosing syringe and mixing plunger. A hard-shell case is portable equipped with rollers for ease of mobility.
Clarification Test Kit
Clarification as the name implies is used to clarify and consolidate solids having a specific gravity greater than 1.
The clarification test kit comes with a four (4) place variable speed gang mixer with four (4) beakers. Four (4) 60 mL syringes are used for the extraction of the treated liquid. Additional syringes accompany the kit for chemical addition. A hard-shell case is portable equipped with rollers for ease of mobility.
Media Filter Test Kit
Once the pretreatment step is accomplished, the next stage in the process is polishing. Polishing is where solids remain in the effluent of the aforementioned unit processes. A polishing step may or may not be necessary depending on the treatment objectives. In the case of polishing, a media filter can be employed with or without chemical treatment. For example, if additional TSS removal is needed, the filter can facilitate additional removal via a specified media porosity. Solids are capture between the void spaces.
The filter media test kit equipped with two media filter columns along with sand filter media. Each media filter holds 30 inches of filter media. A water pump is included with the test kit. A hard-shell case is portable equipped with rollers for ease of mobility.
Pressure Filtration Test Kit
Once the consolidated solids from the noted pretreatment stage is completed the float or underflow solids is introduced to the filter press under pressure of about 100 psi. The solids slurry is pumped into a known chamber thickness and is charted against time and volume. A filter media of a known porosity/air permeability is placed between the plates and chamber to capture the solids. Note that a particle size distribution if known, it helps in selecting the filter media type, otherwise it can be evaluated with the equipment. Pressure chambers are provided at 1, 2 and 3 inches long by 3 inches in diameter. In addition, a slurry feed pump, mixer and slurry tank are included.
Once the cake is formed, the liquid is measured with time and the wet cake is compared to the dry cake for the moisture value. Optionally, a compressor can be included to conduct an air-blow through the cake to further dry (reduced moisture). A hard-shell case is portable equipped with rollers for ease of mobility.
Vacuum Filtration Test Kit
Like the pressure filtration stage discussed previously, the use of filter media is used to retain the solids of a known size. Rather than use pressure to force the liquid through the cake, a vacuum is applied at approximately 20 inches of mercury and is used to pull the liquid through the cake. Vacuum is applied at varying times and air flow. The filtration rate is trended with time.
The test kit is equipped with two types of test leaves, one for bottom feed (like drum or disk filter) and top feed like a horizontal belt filter. A hard-shell case is portable equipped with rollers for ease of mobility.
Belt Press Filtration Test Kit
Unlike the pressure and vacuum filters that use pressure and vacuum for dewatering, belt press filtration uses compression to squeeze out the water under a pressure profile. The first step is the gravity drain deck where flocculated solids are introduced on to a belt filter media and allowed to drain freely. As the free water leaves the sludge, the next step is the introduction into the pressure rolls where the sludge compresses the pressure rolls. The cake between the belts is removed and the cake thickness is measured.
Included with the test kit is the pressure rolls, filter media top and bottom, two filter media samples and a gravity drain funnel. A hard-shell case is portable equipped with rollers for ease of mobility.
Learn More About Our Test Kits
For information on Sciential Solutions’ test kits, e-mail your request to or call (719) 439-8491.